Strona główna Ciekawostki CHEN z EXO bierze ślub

CHEN z EXO bierze ślub

chen exo

SM Entertainment ogłosił, że CHEN z EXO planuje małżeństwo, a jego narzeczona nie należy do świata celebrytów. Źródło z SM Entertainment potwierdziło również, że narzeczona Chena jest w ciąży. Ślub odbędzie się bez rozgłosu w towarzystwie tylko najbliższej rodziny.
Sam Chen napisał wiadomość do fanów o następującej treści:

Hello, this is Chen.
I am writing this because I have something to tell our fans. I don’t know how to start this, and I’m very nervous. Although these words are not enough, I’m writing this letter because I want to honestly tell our fans, who gave us so much love, first.
I have a girlfriend I want to spend the rest of my life with. I was worried and concerned about the situations that would arise as a result of this decision, but I had been discussing with the agency and our members because I wanted to announce the news at least a little bit earlier so I wouldn’t surprise you with the sudden news. Then, a blessing came my way. I am also taken aback, as I cannot do what I had planned with the agency and members, but this blessing has given me more strength. I couldn’t lose any more time thinking about when or how I should announce this, so I mustered up my courage. I’m really thankful for my members for genuinely congratulating me after hearing this news, and I deeply thank our fans for sending me so much undeserving love
I will never forget this feeling of gratitude, do my best in my place without changing, and return the love you have given me.
Thank you always.

Gratulacje dla Chena i jego narzeczonej!



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